Tuesday, 20 July 2021

"Learning is the new pension, " Ms. McGowan said. "It's how you create your future value every day. " The most critical role for K-12 educators, therefore, will be to equip young people with the curiosity and passion to be lifelong learners who feel ownership over their education. Obviously, everyone still needs strong fundamentals in reading and writing and math, but in a world where you will change jobs and professions several times, the self-motivation to be a lifelong learner will be paramount. Parallel to that, explained Kumar, accelerations in digitization and globalization are steadily making more work "modular, '' broken up into small packets that are farmed out by companies. Companies, he argues, will increasingly become platforms that synthesize and orchestrate these modular packets to make products and services. In the process, Kumar added, "work will increasingly get disconnected from companies, and jobs and work will increasingly get disconnected from each other. '' Some work will be done by machines; some will require your physical proximity in an office or a factory; some will be done remotely; and some will be just a piece of a task that can also be farmed out to anyone, anywhere.

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Endemic misogyny holding back Nepal's progress - Asia Times

The reason the post-pandemic era will be so destructive and creative is that never have more people had access to so many cheap tools of innovation, never have more people had access to high-powered, inexpensive computing, never have more people had access to such cheap credit — virtually free money — to invent new products and services, all as so many big health, social, environmental and economic problems need solving. Put all of that together and KABOOM! You're going to see some amazing stuff emerge, some long-established institutions, like universities, disappear — and the nature of work, workplaces and the workforce be transformed. I've been discussing this moment with Ravi Kumar, the president of the Indian tech services company Infosys, whose headquarters is in Bangalore. Because Infosys helps companies prepare for a digital world, I've always found it a source of great insight on global employment/education trends. I started my book "The World Is Flat" there in 2004. Back then, Infosys' main business was doing work that American companies would outsource to India.

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Now so many more people can play at that, because you no longer need to know how to code to generate new software programs. Thanks to artificial intelligence, there is now "no-code software. '' You just instruct the software to design some code for the application that you've imagined or need and, presto, it will spit it out. "We're seeing the democratization of software — the consumers can now be the creators, '' Kumar explained. It shows you how AI will take away jobs of the past, while it creates jobs of the future. Finally, he argues, in the future, postsecondary education will be a hybrid ecosystem of company platforms, colleges and local schools, whose goal will be to create the opportunity for lifelong "radical reskilling. " "Radical reskilling means I can take a front-desk hotel clerk and turn him into a cybersecurity technician. I can take an airline counter agent and turn her into a data consultant. " Today, companies like Infosys, IBM or AT&T are all creating cutting-edge in-house universities — Infosys is building a 100-acre campus in Indianapolis designed to provide their employees and customers not "just-in-case learning'' — material you might or might not need to master the job at hand — but "just-in-time learning, '' offering the precise skills needed for the latest task, explained Kumar.

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As more work becomes modular, digitized and disconnected from an office or factory, many more diverse groups of people — those living in rural areas, minorities, stay-at-home moms and dads and those with disabilities — will be able to compete for it from their homes. The reason Kumar now operates from New York is that he sees a huge new market in helping U. S. companies to prepare for this world by identifying potential new employees with skills — whether or not they have college degrees — then pairing them with new pathways of online training and pairing companies with these new talent pools. Every big company is going through this now — or will. Even The New York Times! Look at the list of online opinion writers for The Times: It's radically different from when I became a columnist in 1995, when you had to be a staff employee. Today we have full-time staff columnists; columnists who are not on the staff but contribute regularly from all over the world, and on many days, one-time contributors.

That, in turn, has led to armies of people living on the bread line in the cities or returning to their ancestral farmlands to wrest a living in some of the most challenging of settings. One avenue of relative escape was the demand for labor in the Middle Eastern construction markets of Dubai, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Regrettably, stories abound of these laborers being exploited not just by the recruiting agencies but by every Nepalese government agency through whose hands they had to pass before they reached the country of employment. This systemic corruption is so rife that laborers simply accept it as part of the necessary expense involved if they are to get free of the crushing lack of opportunities in their homeland. Worse still is the plight of young people, often just children, who are tricked into leaving their families for promised jobs, only to discover that it is prostitution for the girls and slave labor for the boys. The traffickers assure the family members that the children are guaranteed employment with reputable employers and lull them into a false sense of security.